Thursday, July 1, 2010


June 27th, Day 18: Yachats, our new costal home
“Let’s build a little house by the sea
build a little house by the sea
My worries from the land
Will sleep in the sand
Let’s build a little house by the sea”

These lyrics were inspired by our time in Yachats, Oregon. We arrived there Sunday afternoon and walked off our car-cramped legs on their famous inland beach where the surf is sandy and shallow. Yachats is the sea version of a one horse town. There’s about a dozen businesses along the main road and many scattered picturesque houses spotting the pine hillsides. But we forgot to take pictures of the town itself. We also forgot to take pictures of the Drift Inn where we played that night for many a sea-faring folk. This dining establishment boasts live music every night of the week for the Yachats locals and vacationers. We had an attentive Sunday night crowd of live people and mermaid murals. We fell asleep at a local hotel after stuffing ourselves with a complimentary seafood dinner by the Drift Inn. Oh, this is vacation!

Earlier that morning, while enjoying fresh picked raspberries from friend Jonathan’s garden, we employed a new tradition on our tour: Appreciation Workshops. Lindsay has decided she’s starting a new career of professional appreciator. So she led a workshop with Jeremy. Let’s try one now:
“Take a medium sized breath
Now take a long deep breath
Close your eyes and take one more slow, deep breath
Now, open your eyes and look around
Do you see anything you appreciate? Feel any appreciation?”
I appreciate the blue house over there on the corner. I appreciate laughing a lot this morning. I appreciate my healthy body. I appreciate being well fed. I appreciate Jonathan’s garden peas. I appreciate that I’m alive one more day and I can choose how much love I feel at any given moment. I appreciate feeling really happy right now.
Now, you try…

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