Friday, June 11, 2010


Yes, the thought has crossed my mind to let Lindsay toil away on her blog and merely send my followers to her clever writings while I sip coffee and write songs.

I won't do that.

But to get the skinny from her point of view, peep your peepers on and buy her new E.P. while you're at it. It's the bees knees.

We left Thursday afternoon for Carbondale, CO. The show in Salt Lake isn't until Friday night but we figured we could chop off a few hours Thursday and prolong our goodbyes to the beautiful state of Colorado. I ask you, dear reader, what better place to do that than in Carbondale?

This second tour of the west and northwest is my attempt to see what impact I made out there in March. My gut, which I trust implicitly, has whispered more than once that I will be successful out there. So I head back, confident that I'll see some familiar faces, confident that I will have forgotten their names, and hopeful that I will be forgiven for doing so.

The goal as a business man is to move forward and see progress... to sell more CD's than I did in March, make more money, and reach more "clients". The goal as a performer is to "let 'er rip" so to speak, to step out of my head on stage and trust my talent a bit more. My goal as an artist is to continue writing - or rather, transcribing - what the muse sends me. My goal as Jeremy is to have a boatload of fun.

More soon.

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