Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 9 - 3/16 - Paschal Winery in Talent, Oregon

Paschal Winery in Talent, Oregon. The sign says they close at 6, but... we're supposed to start folking at 6. Teresa and I have a plethora of true horror stories that start along these lines.

No worries though, the place filled as the night wore on. Some fine people from Indiana, now living in Seattle (they promised they would come see us there next week!), and our new friends above proved most supportive of our efforts. Andrew and Amanda purchased the entire Storch/Facknitz catalogs and then invited us over to their friend Andrew's (another Andrew) house for jamming and more wine drinking. How, oh how could we resist?

Walking through the entire home of Andrew B. is like walking through a gem of an antique. His grandfather was an animator for Disney and built the place himself. As an appreciator of all things old I couldn't help but squeal with glee over the untouched furniture, the hundred year old baby grand and the listening room complete with built-in "mono" (that's right, not "stereo", but "mono").

We shared tales of heartache and the road. Good conversation, good wine, a few songs. Thanks to these three great folks for letting us traveling gypsies into their lives for an evening. We'll see them again soon.

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