Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 22/23 - March 29th, 30th - Off day from Spokane to Bozeman, show at The Filling Station

Monday morning, Spokane Washington. Sunday, after breakfast and basketball, we hopped in Ruby Tuesday and began our long trip back east to Fort Collins, stopping again with Karl in Spokane. After hours booking and emailing at casa de Karl, we continued east to Livingston where we would crash out at Ani's house, former life-coach to the star, T. Storch.

Ani is cute. She could run a successful B and B if she had such desires. Talk about presentation; candles, folded towels, notes... everything short of the mints on the pillows.

Tuesday we worked some more(quite sick of the laptop, would like to trade it in for a pen, paper and my guitar) before making our way back west a half hour to Bozeman for our show at The Filling Station, opening for the Tom Cook Band.

Ran into Mr. Peter King, with whom I had shared a bill with in Pueblo last year. Got to see him with the band, and it was all quite tasty. Forgot that he lived in Bozeman. The Tom Cook Band was equally tasty. The snow storm kept the numbers down, but we had a swell time nonetheless.

T and I celebrated our last out-of-state performance for a while with a couple of Fat Tires. I'm tired. I'm looking forward to the weekend, getting a few days off and heading out east fresh - and alone.

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